Saturday, August 14, 2010

Single Sign On Using WebLogic 10.3 and WebLogic 9.2

WebLogic Application Server supports Single Sign On(SSO) using SAML Credential Mapper as Identity Provider, and SAML Identity Asserter as Service Provider. Accordingly a minimum of two WebLogic instances, one instance as Identity Provider, and the other instance as Service Provider are required. The two instances could be on the same host using different ports, or on two different hosts. SAML assertion is time sensitive. When the Identity Provider and Service Provider are hosted on different hosts it is critical that clocks on the two hosts are synchronized. Applications to be configured for SSO, and requiring authentication are deployed on a WebLogic instance designated as Service Provider. The sequence of SSO is shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1. Single Sign On Sequence

A web debug proxy can be used to capture the browser events. Fiddler2 is such a web debug proxy, and can be downloaded from The sequence of events in the browser as captured by Fiddler 2 is shown in Figure 2:

Figure 2. Browser Events Sequence

Details of SSO events combined with the web events as captured from Fiddler2 is summarized below:
  1. End user sends a request for a secured page on the service provider
  2. Service Provider requests its chain of Identity Asserters for a matching assertion party
  3. A matching asserting party configuration is returned to the service provider
  4. Service provider sends a redirect to identity provider’s inter transfer servlet (samlits)with the replying party id, and requested target, https://<IdenityProvider:port>/samlits_ba/its?RPID=rp_00001&TARGET=https://<ServiceProvider:port>/HelloWorldWeb/index.jsp
  5. Identity provider sends an unauthorized response 401.
  6. Browser prompts the user, for authentication 
  7. On successful authentication a respone with a secured browser post to service provider https://<serviceprovider:port>/samlacs/acs is executed as can be seen from the response shown:
  8. <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>SAML Post Profile Intersite Transfer Service</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="document.forms[0].submit();"> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="https://<ServicePRovider:port>/samlacs/acs"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="TARGET" VALUE="https://<ServiceProvider:port>/<context root>/<requested page>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="APID" VALUE="ap_00001"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="SAMLResponse" VALUE=encrypted saml response </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>
  9. Upon successful validation a 302 response to the requested page is presented as can be seen from the following response,
  10. <html> <head> <title>302 Moved Temporarily</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <p>This document you requested has moved temporarily.</p> <p>It's now at <a href="https://<ServiceProvider:port>/<context root>/<requested page>&#59;jsessionid=jBh8Mm5d1RyH32NFHTY3ynYG1tmmyGl61Q7vh1hBfD1R57xvQX4v!1474895519">;jsessionid=jBh8Mm5d1RyH32NFHTY3ynYG1tmmyGl61Q7vh1hBfD1R57xvQX4v!1474895519</a>.</p> </body> </html>
  11. The user is then presented with the requested page https://<ServiceProvider:port>/<context root>/<requested page>
Test Environment
Web Single Sign On as supported by WebLogic Application Server was tested using two instances of WebLogic Application Server one WebLogic 103, and the other WebLogic 9.2 deployed on two different hosts and is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 SSO Environment

The SSO environment set up consists of creating, and configuring several components both on Identity Provider, and Service Provider, and are listed below
  1. Source Site/Identity Provider
  2. Destination Site/Service Provider
Source Site/Identity Provider
User authentication is executed on the source site. Creating source site consists of creating a SAML Credential Mapper and a relying party. WebLogic 10.3 provides three versions of SAML Credential Providers:
  1. SAMLCredentialMapper
  2. SAML CredentialMapperV2
  3. SAML2CredentialMapper
In view of the requirement that widgets hosted on WebLogic 9.2 be supported, SAMLCredentialMapperV2 is used. Source site configuration is divided into the following sections:
  1. Create SAMLCredentialMapperV2
  2. Configure SAMLCredentialMapperV2
  3. Creating Relying Party
  4. Configuring Relying Party
Create SAMLCredentialMapperV2
WebLogic allows creation of only one instance of SAMLCredentialMapperV2 per source site. SSO from multiple hosts is configured by creating relying party per server, discussed in a later section. Assuming myrealm as the default security realm:

1. Navigate to Security Realms->myrealm->Providers->Credential Mapping

Figure 4
2. Click on New

3. Enter SAMLCredentialMapperV2 against the field labeled Name
4. Click on OK
5. Restart Weblogic Server

Configure SAMLCredentialMapperV2

After restarting the WebLogic Application Server navigate to:
  1. Navigate to Security Realms->myrealm->Providers->Credential Mapping
  2. Click on the newly created SAMLCredentialMapperV2
  3. Navigate to Configuration->Provider Specific
  4. Fill in the form fields as detailed in the following
    Property Value Comments
    Issuer URI Identifying name Identifying name
    Name Qualifier Optional, another identifying name
    Default Time to Live Default value
    Default Time To Live Offset Default value
    Signing Key Alias Certificate created exclusively for signing the message
    Signing Key Pass Phrase Signing Key pass phrase
    Confirm Signing Key Pass Phrase Signing Key pass phrase
    Default Name Mapper Class Name
  5. Click on Save

Creating Relying Party
One relying party can serve multiple applications hosted on the service provider or a dedicated relying party per application can be used.
  1. Navigate to Management->Relying Parties
  2. Click on New
  3. Enter a value for Description
  4. Click on OK
  5. List of relying parties is displayed

Configuring Relying Party

  1. Click on the just created relying party, rp_00001
  2. Enter values as shown in the following table
  3. Property Value Comments
    Enabled Checked Relying party is configured by enabling the Enabled property
    Description Some Good Description Enter a good description describing the relying party
    Target URL https:/// Enter the url for service provider
    Assertion Consumer URL https:///samlacs/acs Replace service provider with the actual url for the service provider
    Assertion Consumer Parameters APID=ap_00001 Assertion parameter identification
    Post Form default
    Audience URI Optional, to serve multiple applications leave it blank
    Name Mapper Class default
    Assertion Time To Live Default Value
    Assertion To Live Offset Default Value
    Sign Assertions Checked To sign assertions check the checkbox
    Include Key Info Checked Check to include key info
    Include DoNotCache Condition default value
    Include Groups Attributes Check to include groups attributes
  4. Click on Save

Enabling Source Site
  1. Navigate to Environment->Servers->Admin Server
  2. Navigate to Configuration->Federation Services->SAML 1.1 Source Site
  3. Enable Source Site, and fill in the required properties
  4. Property Value Comments
    Source Site Enabled Checked The Identity Provider is enabled only by checking this flag
    Signing Key Alias Enter the site’s signing certificate
    Signing Key Passphrase
    Confirm Signing Key Passphrase
    Intersite Transfer URIs /samlits_ba/its

    ITS Requires SSL checked
    Assertion Retrieval URIs /samlars/ars default
    ARS Requires SSL checked
    ARS Requires Two-Way SSL Authentication
    Assertion Store Class Name
    Assertion Store Properties
  5. Click on Save, enabling Source Site

Destination Site/Service Provider
Web applications requiring participating in SSO are deployed on the WebLogic instance designated as service provider. The WebLogic instance hosting the web applications is configured as a destination site by the following:
  1. Create SAMLIdentityAsserterV2
  2. Importing IdentityAsserter’s Signing Certificate
  3. Creating Asserting Party
  4. Configuring Asserting Party
  5. Enabling SAML 1.1 Destination Site

Create SAMLIdentityAsserterV2
  1. Assuming myrealm as default security realm navigate to Security
  2. Realms->myrealm
  3. Navigate to Providers->Authentication
  4. Click on Lock & Edit
  5. Click on New
  6. Enter SAMLIdentityAsserterV2 in the Name field
  7. Select SAMLIdentityAsserterV2 for the Type
  8. Click on OK to create a SAMLIdentityAsserterV2
  9. Restart WebLogic Application Server as required by WebLogic Application Server

Importing IdentityAsserter’s Signing Certificate

Asserting party requires source site’s SSL certificate. Accordingly source site’s SSL certificate should be imported. WebLogic accepts certificates with .der or .pem extensions only. Obtain source site’s public certificate(ozonezn.der), and copy it on the Service Provider’s host.
  1. Navigate to Security Realms->myrealm->Providers->Authentication
  2. Click on the newly created SAMLIdentityAsserterV2
  3. Navigate to Management-> Certificates
  4. Click on New
  5. Enter values for Alias, and Certificate File Name(ozonezn.der) including the path
  6. Click on Finish
  7. List displaying the list of imported certificates including the newly imported certificate is displayed.

Creating Asserting Party
  1. Navigate to Management->Asserting Parties
  2. Click on New
  3. Select Browser/POST profile
  4. Enter a description
  5. Click on OK to create a new asserting party

Configuring Asserting Party

  1. Click on the just created Asserting party, ap_00001
  2. Enter the asserting party’s values based on the table shown below:

Property Value Comments
Enabled Checked This is required, so that the site can work as a Service Provider
Description Good description to identify relying party Good description to identify relying party
Target URL https:///
POST Signing Certificate Alias Certificate Alias Imported in the previous step Source site’s SSL alias, imported in the previous step
Source Site Redirect URIs URI's for which SSO is required Web applications’ URIs in the SSO
Source Site ITS URL
Source Site ITS Parameters https://

This is responsible to redirect the user for authentication to the source site
Issuer URI URI as configured in the source sites configuration
Audience URI Leave blank so that all sites hosted on the destination site can particiapate in the SSO
Name Mapper Class
Signature Required Checked
Assertion Signing Certificate Alias valid alias
Process Groups Attribute Checked
Allow Virtual Users Checked

Enabling SAML 1.1 Destination Site

  1. Navigate to Environment->Servers->Admin Server
  2. Navigate to Configuration->Federation Services->SAML1.1 Destination
  3. Check Destination Site Enabled

Testing Single Sign On

Try to access a secured page on the destination site. Browser's basic authentication window from the source site requesting to enter the userid/pwd as shown below would be displayed:

If the dialog is not displayed, check the settings. You can use weblogic debug to debug the saml components.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Web Service Security WSS-Sender Vouches Profile Using Credential Mapper for SAML Assertion in Weblogic Application Server

Web Services could be consumed by a web service client either as a standalone Java application or a web application running in a servlet/J2EE container. Consider the case where web services security requires username token. While passing user credentials from a standalone Java client is a commonly accepted criterion, consuming the same web service from a client running in a web application presents the developers with a multitude of options and challenges. One option is to use username mapping (impersonation), which could either be delegated to the host container or custom coded. In case where username mapping is not accepted, and the requirement is to use the username of the authenticated user only, the developer is confronted with the challenge of not able to retrieve the password from the session, or the underlying security registry. In such a case one of the possible solutions is to use SAML sender vouches profile. While SAML sender vouches policy with a dedicated Secured Token Service (STS) Server shifts the user re-authentication to the STS server, Weblogic’s built in SAML Credential Mapper provides a simple solution eliminating the need for a dedicated STS server, and provides the needed username token for the SAML sender vouches policy.
The literature on SAML assertion, and using credential mapper for consuming web services is non-existing. Almost all articles demonstrating web services security provide stand alone Java clients as web service consumers. In view of lack of examples on consuming web services from a web application, and using SAML assertion, an attempt is made to demonstrate SAML assertion using WebLogic Application Server, and Credential Mapper. Explained in this document are consuming web services by a standalone Java client, and client running in a web container using SAML WSS/Sender-Voches profile with and without a secured token server, setting up WebLogic Application Server as a Secured Token Server.
The entire document is divided into the following sections:
  • Demonstration Web Service Description
  • Environment
  • Dynamic Policy
  • Certificates for Message Signing
  • Setting up Secure Token Service (STS)
  • Web Service Provider Host Configuration
  • Configuring Asserting party
  • Credential Mapper, Relying Party, and Identity Assertion Field Mapping Summary
  • Web Service Consumption
  • Configurations Tested
  • Error Messages
  • Summary
  • References
Demonstration Web Service Description
Weblogic Application Server provides several methods to configure Web Service Security:
  1. Configuring security during development
  2. Dynamic policy, security agnostic development, configuring the security after deployment
  3. Custom Policy, the security policy decided at the time of web service invocation
While a simple Java class without an interface can be used to create web services, to support custom policy an interface as shown below is used for generating the web services:

Figure 1 Class Diagram showing the Java classes used by the Web Servcie

The web service was secured by the following WS-1.2 policies:
  1. Wssp1.2-2007-SignBody.xml
  2. Wssp1.2-2007-EncryptBody.xml
  3. Wssp1.2-2007-Saml1.1-SenderVouches-Wss1.0.xml

Multiple use cases of the secured web service consumption were considered:
  1. A Java client, and a Web Application consuming web services hosted on a remote host, and a dedicated STS server
  2. A Java client, and a Web Application co-hosted on the STS server, consuming web services hosted on a remote host
  3. A web application without STS server, consuming web services hosted on a remote host
  4. A web application without STS server, consuming web services hosted within the same web container
Client wrapper shown below was used to consume the secured web service:

Figure 2 Client Wrapper to Consume Secured Web Service

To start the demonstration three instances of WebLogic Application Server were used:
  1. Host for Secured Token Service(STS) server
  2. Host for hosting Web Services
  3. Host for consuming web services through a web application
In addition the web service was consumed using a standalone Java client. The demonstration environment is shown below:

Figure 3 Environment Used for Demonstration

Establish trust between the three instances of Weblogic Application Server by exporting the identity keys of the individual servers, and importing the keys in to the respective servers’ trust stores. The three servers either can share the security repository or each server can have a dedicated repository of its own. Create users, roles, and associate users with roles on all three servers.

Dynamic Policy
Weblogic’s dynamic policy implementation was used to secure web services. Accordingly a security agnostic web service was developed. After deploying the application, the required security policies were applied to the operation meetAdministrator() as shown in the following figure:

Figure 4 Applying Policies Dynamically

Certificates for Message Signing
A public certificate and private key pair was needed to sign the message. Java keytool was used to generate the public certificate and private key pair. The certificate key pair should be different from the certificate used by the server hosting the web application, otherwise would result in a fault.

Setting up Secure Token Service (STS) Server
 Secured token server is used to provide a secured token for an authenticated user. Setting up Secure Token Service requires:
  1. Creating Credential Mapper
  2. Configuring Credential Mapper
  3. Creating Relying Parties
  4. Configuring Relying Parties
  5. Bootstrap the policy
Creating Credential Mapper
WebLogic Application Supports the following Credential Mappers:
  1. SAML2CredentialMapper
  2. DefaultCredentialMapper
  3. PKICredentialMapper
  4. SAMLCrdentialMapper
  5. SAMLCredentialMapperV2
Even though multiple types of Credential Mappers are supported, only one Credential Mapper of each type can be created. SAML Credential Mapper V2 is used in this article. Assuming myrealm is the default ream,
  1. Navigate to the page: Security Realms->myrealm->Providers->Credential Mapping
  2. Click on the New button
  3. From the Create a New Credential Mapping Provider wizard, select SAMLCredentialMapperV2 as shown below:
  4. Figure 5 Create a New Credential Mapping Provider
  5. Enter a name of your choice in the name field(SAMLCredentialMapperV2)
  6. Click on OK to create SAMLCredentialMapperV2
Restart the application server as required by WebLogic Application Server.

Configuring Credential Mapper
Credential mapper configuration is a pre-requisite for a Secured Token Server. Credential mapper configuration is detailed below:
  1. Navigate to the page: Security Realms->myrealm->Providers->Credential Mapping
  2. Click on the just created credential Mapper, SAMLCredentialMapperV2
  3. Navigate to the tab: Configuration->Provider Specific

Figure 6 Credential Mapper Configuration Wizard

  1. Enter a value for Issuer URI. Note that this value along with the Target URL discussed in the configuration of relaying party discussed in the next section is used by SAML Identity Asserter before serving the Web Service, by the Web Service Provider. 
  2. Enter server’s identity alias as the value for Signing Key Alias, and identity alias’s key phrase as the value of Key Pass Phrase. Even though the form appears to let the user enter an alias of his/her choice, it was observed that only server identity certificate was accepted. In all others cases errors were thrown. May be until someone clarifies this issue, just to get going, use alias used by the server as the server identity. The Signing Key Alias used here would have to be imported by the Identity Asserter discussed later.
  3. The default values can be modified if needed.
  4. Click on Save to save the configuration.

Creating a Relying Party
Relying party is a critical component, and is used to identify the target for which the assertion is generated. Creating a relying party is detailed below:
  1. Navigate to the page: Security Realms->myrealm->Providers->Credential Mapping
  2. Click on the just created credential mapper, SAMLCredentialMapperV2
  3. Navigate to the tab: Management->Relying Parties
  4. Figure 7 Creating a Relying Party
  5. Click on New to create a new relying party
  6. From the Create a New Relying Party Wizard select WSS/Sender-Vouches for the profile option
  7. Figure 8 Selecting WSS/Sender-Vouches Profile for a New Relying Party
  8. Fill in the description field with your choice. It is important to enter a good description to identify the relying party as the identifying name provided by WebLogic is rp_xxxxx, and cannot be associated with a meaningful name.
  9. Click on OK to create the Relying Party. 

Configuring the Relying Party
WSS-Sender Vouches policy is applied to an end point, and accordingly secured token is created based on the Target URL specified in the relying party configuration wizard, and is a mandatory field. Relying party configuration wizard is shown below:

Figure 9 Configuring Relying Party 

  1. Enter URL of the Web Service end point for Target URL
  2. Audience URI is optional. But when configured, the value in the identity asserter, discussed later would have to match this value
  3. Depending on the business requirements the flag Sign Assertions could either be checked or unchecked. It should be noted that if the flag is checked, the relying party uses Signing Key Alias configured in its parent credential mapper while signing the messages.
Biemond created a simple servlet to bootstrap the application server to serve as a Secured Token Server.

Web Service Provider Host Configuration
Web Service provider host needs to be configured to accept SAML tokens, and respond to the web service requests. Configuration requires the following:
  1. Creating Authentication Provider
  2. Importing Trusted Certificates
  3. Creating Asserting Parties
  4. Configuring Asserting Parties
Creating Identity Assertion Provider
Assuming myrealm as the default ream,
  1. Navigate to the page: Security Realms->myrealm->Providers->Authentication
  2. Figure 10 Creating a New Identity Asserter
  3. Click on New
  4. Figure 11 Creating a New Authentication Provider
  5. Select SAMLIdentityAsserterV2 from the dropdown combo box against the label Type
  6. Enter a name of your choice in the text field against the label Name
  7. Click on OK to create a New Authentication Provider
  8. Restart Weblogic Application Server as required
Importing Trusted Certificates
When configured to sign messages, relying parties sign messages with the configured signing certificates. Accordingly asserting parties need trusted clients’ certificates to validate the signed messages, and need to be imported into its trust store. WebLogic supports importing certificates with .pem or .der extension only. Before importing the trusted certificates, copy trusted clients’ server certificates on to the host.

  1. Navigate to the page: Security Realms->myrealm>Providers>Authentication 
  2. Click on the newly created authentication provider, SAMLIdenityAsserterV2
  3. Navigate to Management->Certificates
  4. Figure 12 Importing New Trusted Certificates
  5. Click on New to display the Create a New Identity Asserter Version 2 Certificate wizard shown below:
  6. Figure 13 Importing a Trusted Certificate
  7. Enter a value of your choice for the Alias, typically associated with the relying party’s host
  8. Enter the full path of the certificate file in the Path field
  9. Click OK to import the certificate  

Creating Asserting Party
Identity asserters are the components which either allow or deny the web service requests. Before a secured web service request could be served, an asserting party to validate a secured request must be created and configured. To create a new asserting party;
  1. Navigate to the page: Security Realms->myrealm->Providers->Authentication
  2. Click on the newly created authentication provider, SAMLIdenityAsserterV2
  3. Navigate to Management->Asserting Parties
  4. Figure 14 Creating a New Asserting Party
  5. Click on New to display the Asserting Party Creation Wizard
  6. Figure 15 Create a New Asserting Party Wizard – Selecting WSS/Sender-Vouches Profile
  7. Select WSS/Sender-Vouches from the drop down combo box against the field labeled Profile
  8. Enter a value for description, to identify the asserting party
  9. Click on OK to create the asserting party

Configuring Asserting party
After an asserting party is created all required properties should be filled, and asserting party’s configuration should be enabled, and saved. Following steps detail configuring an asserting party:
  1. Click on the newly created asserting party to display the asserting party settings wizard
  2. Figure 16 Configuring Asserting Party 
  3. By default the asserting party is not enabled. Before creating the asserting party WebLogic validates the form fields. In case of a validation error the same form is displayed with error messages displayed on the top of the form, but without re-populating the form fields, forcing the user to re-enter the form fields, an annoyance. The work around is to enter all form fields first, and save the form by clicking the OK button. After all form fields are entered, enabling the asserting party validates the form fields, and in case of validation error, error messages are displayed on the top, but without losing the previously entered values, saving the users fingers from re-typing the form fields.
  4. Fill in the description field with an identity asserter’s identifying message
  5. The fields Target URL, Issuer URI, Audience URI correspond to the values previously entered in the relying party. These are the fields that are used to map an assertion party to a relying party. Any inaccuracy in these values prevents WebLogic to find an asserting party, resulting in the denial of authentication, and a corresponding fault.
  6. Depending on the business requirements either check the Signature Required Field, and enter the Assertion Signing Certificate Alias or uncheck the field. These two fields have to match with the settings on the relying party. Any deviation would result in the exception “The SAML token is not valid, it is rejected by CSS”. In addition it is critical to note that if configured to sign assertions the relying party would use its own identity certificate while signing the messages. Accordingly the identity asserter should import the relying party’s server certificate into its trust store, and configure the asserting party’s Assertion Signing Certificate Alias field to be the same as the identity certificate of the relying party.
  7. Similarly depending on the business requirements either check or uncheck the fields Process Groups Attributes, and Allow Virtual Users
  8. Once satisfied with the values of your choice, check the field Enabled, and click the Save button to enable the asserting party.

Credential Mapper, Relying Party, and Identity Assertion Field Mapping Summary

In view of the field mappings’ criticality, the field mappings between credential mapper, relying party, and asserting party are summarized below: Secured Token Server Web Service Provider Credential Mapper Asserting Party Issuer URI Issuer URI Signing Key Alias Assertion Signing Certificate Alias Relying Party. Target URL Target URL Audience URI Audience URI Sign Assertions Signature Required  

Web Service Consumption
Since the current solution is specific to WebLogic Application Server, WebLogic Application Server’s specific classes are used for consuming Web Services. ClientBSTCredentialProvider is used for specifying the required properties.
For a standard Java client when using a separate STS server the required properties are:
  • Endpoint URL
  • Username
  • Password
  • Url of the Secured Token Service
  • Web Service host’s identifying server certificate used for encrypting the message
  • Public certificate, and private key used by the client for signing the message When using WSS/Sender-Vouches profile, username and password are not required as the username token is provided by WebLogic runtime, and Secured Token Server is also not required.

Configurations Tested
As described earlier various configurations were tested. The configurations tested are shown in the following figures:
Figure 17 Various Components Used for Web Service Consumption

Figure 18 Web Service Client and STS Host within the same web container

Figure 19 Remote Web Service Host, and Web Service Client without STS

Figure 20 Web Service Client, without STS, and Web Service Host within the same web container

Configuration Summary
Credential mapper, and relying party are independent entities. Assertion parties properties are dependent on the configuration properties of credential mapper, and relying party. Table 1 summarizes the properties of credential mappers, and Table 2 summarizes the properties of relying parties configured in the demonstration.

Table 1 Credential Mapper
Property cp sts Remarks
Issuer URI cp:16002 sts:7002 Identifier
Name Qualifier cp:16002 sts:7002
Default Time to Live 120 120 Default
Default Time to Live Offset -5 -5 Default
Signing Key Alias cp sts
Signing Key Pass Phrase <secret> <secret>
Confirm Signing Key Pass Phrase <secret> <secret>
Default Name Mapper Class Name Default

Table 2 Relying Party
Property cp sts Remarks
Enabled Checked Checked
Description Good description Good description Enter good description
Target URL https://rdbms:9002/HttpsBasicAuth/HttpsBasicAuthImpl https://rdbms:9002/HttpsBasicAuth/HttpsBasicAuthImpl
Audience URI /HttpsBasicAuth/HttpsBasicAuthImpl /HttpsBasicAuth/HttpsBasicAuthImpl
Name Mapper Class
Assertion Time To Live 0 0 Default
Assertion Time To Live Offset 0 0 Default
Sign Assertions Checked Checked
Include Keyinfo Checked Checked
Include DoNotCacheCondition Default
Include Groups Attribute Checked Checked

Table 3 summarizes asserting party configuration when Secured Token Server is used. While the property Target URL corresponds to the end point URL of the web service, and is dependent on the web service provider’s host, the property Assertion Signing Certificate Alias is the Signing Key Alias configured in the Credential Mapper of the Secured Token Server. 

Table 3 Asserting Party Configuration when Secured Token Server is used
Property Web Service Provider is cp Web Service Provider is rdbms Remarks
Secured Token Server Host is cp Secured Token Server Host is cp Secured Token Server Host is sts
Enabled checked checked Checked
Target URL https://cp:16002/HttpsBasicAuth/HttpsBasicAuthImpl https://rdbms:9002/HttpsBasicAuth/HttpsBasicAuthImpl https://rdbms:9002/HttpsBasicAuth/HttpsBasicAuthImpl
Issuer URI
Audience URI /HttpsBasicAuth/HttpsBasicAuthImpl /HttpsBasicAuth/HttpsBasicAuthImpl /HttpsBasicAuth/HttpsBasicAuthImpl
Name Mapper Class
Signature Required checked checked checked
Assertion Signing Certificate Alias cp cp sts
Process Groups Attribute checked checked checked
Allow Virtual Users checked checked Checked

Error Messages
Some of the error messages that were seen, and the solution to solve the error message are listed below:
Error Message:Unable to generate SAML Assertion: Assertion configuration not found
Probable cause: STS server is not configured to create an assertion for the specified TargetURL,
Error Message: weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.soapfault.WLSOAPFaultException: Security token failed to validate. weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.SecurityTokenValidateResult@1c207de[status: false][msg The SAML token is not valid, it is rejected by CSS ]
Probable Cause(s):

  • Audience URIs in the identity asserter and relying party did not match 
  • The flags Sign Assertions on Identity Asserter and Signature required on Relying party do not match(are not the same)
  • Signing certificate on Identity asserter is not the same as server certificate of the STS server

Error Message: [java] java.rmi.RemoteException: SOAPFaultException - FaultCode [{}InvalidRequest] FaultString [The request was invalid or malformed] FaultActor [null] Detail [ Connection refused: connect
Probable Cause: The STS server may not be responding
Error Message: [java] java.rmi.RemoteException: SOAPFaultException - FaultCode [{}InvalidSecurity] FaultString [Error on verifying message against security policy Error code:4000] FaultActor [null]No Detail; nested exception is: [java] weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.soapfault.WLSOAPFaultException: Error on verifying message against security policy Error code:4000
Probable Cause: Trying to consume web service from a web application, and the public certificate, and private key for signing the message are the same as the identity certificate of the host, hosting the web application By no means, the message list is complete and more error messages could show up during configuration and testing.
Weblogic server specific credential mapper, relying party, and asserting party together could be configured to serve multiple configurations of WSS/Sender-Vouches profile to consume web services hosted locally or remotely with and without a dedicated STS server. Listed were some of the errors resulted during development, and possible root causes of the error messages.
• “ “, Blog by Edwin Biemond