Friday, October 19, 2012

OpenAM SSOAdminTools, problems with Windows 2008

OpenAM's SSO Admin Tools are packaged in  The first step before using the sso admin tools is to run setup command within the sso admin tools.  The command requires openam configuration directory, and locations for debug, and log files.  Along with other tools, the setup creates the sso admin tool, openam/bin/ssoadm.bat.  ssoadm is the tool used for OpenAM command line administration.

The batch file contains check for JAVA_HOME, and under Windows 2008 it is:

  JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\.....

The left paranthesis after JAVA_HOME closes with matching right closing parenthesis ..x86), resulting in parsing errors, and makes the ssoadm unusable in Windows 2008.

This problem seems to be specific to Windows 2008.