Solr 7.6 Getting Started
Solr documentation is huge. In the time constrained age, of interest are the quick getting started. As such the precise commands used to set up, and running SolrCloud7.6 with a three node external zookeeper ensemble is documented here.Steps to create Solr Cloud:
- Install Zookeeper Ensemble
- Add a node
- Start Solr using the zookeeper configured in Step 1.
- Create ConfigSet
- Create Collection
- Access SolrCloud GUI
Install Zookeeper
Three node external zookeeper ensemble is used. The three nodes used are:- wolf:2181
- tiger:2181
- lion:2181
Add node
Adding a node to Solr Cloud provides detailed instructions to add a node to the cloud.Start Solr
The SolrCloud is also installed on the same nodes.Start Solr using external zookeeper ensemble
<SOLR_HOME>/bin/solr start -c -z $ZK_HOST
Create ConfigSet
Without getting into detailed explanation of schema.xml, solrconfig.xml and other related configuration files, Sample Configuration files can be used to quickly get started. Following script would generate a ConfigSet with the name tech, by uploading the configuration files stored in the configuration directory ~/solr/tech/.
$SOLR_HOME/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -z $ZK_HOST -cmd upconfig -confname $CONF_NAME -confdir $CONF_DIR
Configure Zookeeper
Modify ZK_HOST in the file ~/SOLR_HOME/bin/ to read the ZK_HOST
Create Collection
Following script can be used to create a new collection by the name mytech using the ConfigSet tech as created previsously with 3 shards per collection, and a replication factor of 2.
Access SolrCloud GUI
The SolrCloud thus created can be accessed using the url http://wolf:8983/solr/. The intutive user interface can be used to explore the various functionality provided by Solr.
Sample Data
Following sample data can be used to insert data from SolrCloud GUI:
0553573403,book,A Game of Thrones,7.99,true,George R.R. Martin,"A Song of Ice and Fire",1,fantasy
0553579908,book,A Clash of Kings,7.99,true,George R.R. Martin,"A Song of Ice and Fire",2,fantasy
055357342X,book,A Storm of Swords,7.99,true,George R.R. Martin,"A Song of Ice and Fire",3,fantasy
0553293354,book,Foundation,7.99,true,Isaac Asimov,Foundation Novels,1,scifi
0812521390,book,The Black Company,6.99,false,Glen Cook,The Chronicles of The Black Company,1,fantasy
0812550706,book,Ender's Game,6.99,true,Orson Scott Card,Ender,1,scifi
0441385532,book,Jhereg,7.95,false,Steven Brust,Vlad Taltos,1,fantasy
0380014300,book,Nine Princes In Amber,6.99,true,Roger Zelazny,the Chronicles of Amber,1,fantasy
0805080481,book,The Book of Three,5.99,true,Lloyd Alexander,The Chronicles of Prydain,1,fantasy
080508049X,book,The Black Cauldron,5.99,true,Lloyd Alexander,The Chronicles of Prydain,2,fantasy